One could apply the adage “content is king” to many facets of a meeting. Organizations bring people together, in part, to share information. Whether it’s to inspire and educate internal teams, increase customer loyalty, drive brand advocacy, or engage deeper inside the channel, corporate events rely on content to drive positive return on their investment.

Before virtual events grew in popularity, dollars were spent on capturing key moments such as the General Session. Subsequent videos were then edited and posted online for remote audiences. While this exercise gained viewers, the focus remained on an insular audience and attendee type.

Virtual events offer an increased amount of well-rehearsed, thoughtfully produced content. Content that’s deliberate, on-point, well-recorded, and ready for Prime Time. From the CEO’s welcome message to the top customer’s testimonial, it’s all captured. And … we’ve mastered the technology needed to essentially rinse and repeat the experience for any viewer.

So, what do we do with all this content? How do we grab long takes and short snippets and break them down into various assets for broader reach?

Here are our top four tips to help you repurpose your content with purpose:

On-Demand Conference

  • Create a post-event marketing strategy to generate interest well past the “departure” day
  • Break content into smaller chunks and offer single-session viewing by interest (i.e. keynote speakers, market updates, training)
  • Consider selling a single session or the entire conference as a pay-per-view

Semi-Live Micro-Events

  • Bundle the most popular content and produce a separate, unique meeting
  • Incorporate live Q&A and interactive activities to enliven re-used content
  • Target audiences outside your usual live event ecosystem
  • Look for creative sponsorship and co-presentation opportunities

Bite-Sized Learning

  • Chop sessions and recordings into multiple, micro-presentations for internal teams
  • Use sessions for training, alignment, and motivation
  • Target internal teams unable to attend past live conferences due to budget restraints
  • Generate inclusivity and cross-departmental conversation


  • Pick interesting topics from recordings and create blogs for outside audiences
  • Ask speakers and influencers to share content through their social channels
  • Take snippets from the conference and use them for company social media and PR
  • Create a binge-worthy, on-demand viewer series
  • Repurpose a recorded webinar as content for an on-the-go podcast

Need help repurposing your content?