Supporting Tools

Creative Group has developed the following applications and tools as part of our Solutions offering to support our clients. But know that we always take a technology agnostic approach when it comes to the best tools for your business needs.

Meeting Technology and Reward Platforms

AMPWorks®Our holistic engagement and reward platform is configured to align with client’s business objectives. Its mobile-first design makes it user-friendly. Programs can be layered in and pointed at different segments of the population, ensuring organizations can respond quickly to changing business environments. 

CreativeEDGE® – Our proprietary end-to-end meeting management platform offers fully customizable registration and attendee management.

EventAPP™ – EventAPP mobile event technology manages meeting schedules, content sharing, and allows participants to interact in real-time with the event.

Pinpointe™ – Our limited-feature app that helps everyone stay connected.


i|xperience® – Our proprietary design approach ensures a participant experience aligned to your business goals and brand.

Curated Rewards – Once-in-a-lifetime rewards will help you drive loyalty, enhance engagement and increase behaviors that will allow you to reach your business goals.

Strategic Meeting Management – Are you looking for more visibility into your meeting and event spend? Would you like to see a better return on investment for your meeting dollar?


How Can We Help?